Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Fact and Fiction of King Arthur

The stories which were written about King Arthur are a mix of fact and fiction. Actually King Arthur was a tribal chief in England after the Romans left, and he bravely helped fight off invaders. Some story tellers invented fantastic myths about him. The most famous story about King Arthur is “The Sword and the Stone.” Many young s have probably read and dreamed about Sir Gallahad, the purest of knights, and the stories of Merlin the Magician are quite famous, too. But most people think that King Arthur is the real superhero. Now you are probably wondering, “Why is he called King Arthur if he doesn't rule anything?” Well, that’s where you’re wrong! With the help of the Knights of the Round Table and Merlin, King Arthur ruled a kingdom called Camelot. Many people claimed to be related to King Arthur so they could usurp the throne of England. One myth says that King Arthur never died, so some people believe that he will come and rule again when they most need him. That is why he is called, “The once and future king!” The legends of King Arthur are the best known stories in British literature.

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