Friday, February 27, 2009


Chemistry is the scientific study of matter.  Matter is anything that has mass or weight and takes up space.  Matter is made of atoms which are small uncuttable things.  Protons, neutrons, and electrons compose an atom.  The protons and the neutrons form the nucleus which contains most of the mass of the atom.  The electrons are the smallest, but they take up most of the space, which is called the electron cloud.  Also, there is the same number of protons as there are electrons in an atom.  So if an atom has four protons, it will also have four electrons.  One example is the helium atom.  It contains two protons, two electrons, and two neutrons.  The study of chemistry is quite interesting and complicated.


DR_N007 said...

"The study of chemistry is quite interesting and complicated."

I couldn't have said it any better myself.

Anonymous said...

Great summary! There are a few things that are different once you get to higher levels of chemisty, but that's a good basic explanation. For example, sometimes there are not the same number of electrons as protons - in that situation, you have what is called an ion! Like a sodium ion is Na+ because it has one less electron than it has protons!

I like your blog a lot!


Lenny said...

Good start Paladin...simple, concise. Like Dr_N007 mentioned, your quote really hits the mark.