Friday, March 6, 2009

Chemistry 2

All matter in the world is composed of elements.  Each element is made up of its own kind of atom.  All of the elements on the earth are known.  In 1867 Dmitri Mendeleev made the Periodic Table of Elements.  He lined up elements in rows from left to right, according to their atomic number.  The atomic number of an element is equal to the number of protons in its atom.  Elements in the vertical columns have similar chemical properties.  For example, the alkali metals give electrons, but the noble gases do nothing.   

The symbol of an element represents its name.  For example, C stands for carbon, but some of the elements’ symbols come from other languages.  Tungsten’s symbol is W, which comes from the Latin word, wolfram.   The atomic weight of an atom is the sum of its protons and neutrons.  For example, hydrogen has the atomic weight of 1, which means it has one proton and no neutrons.  Another element, Uranium, weighs 238 atomic mass units, which means that it has 92 protons, and 146 neutrons.     


Anonymous said...

It's hydrogen that has an atomic weight of 1, but that's okay. You are really good at understanding and summarizing information!


Paladin said...

Thanks, I fixed that.


Lenny said...

Hey Paladin, I never really understood the organization of the periodic chart but you gave a really good explanation. Its quite interesting and I hope you'll talk a little bit more about it. Take care :)

KMH said...

Paladin...the table of elements is a fascinating subject. To think of the understanding that it took to create the periodic table is hard to fathom. How he thought of it, what made him think he could explain it in a way that other people could understand and make it a useful concept. Anytime I think of subjects such as this I am reminded what a miracle our world is and how God put in place such detail, and how he chose certain people to figure out how the details work. I would love to hear more about the man that discovered this table. What his background was, how he grew up and who influenced him, who thought he was crazy and who knew he was brilliant....Great post Paladin!