Monday, November 24, 2008

The Fox and the Stork
One day the fox, who wanted to play a little trick, invited a stork to dinner . When the unsuspecting stork arrived, the fox told him they were having soup. The sly fox offered the stork soup in a wide shallow dish, but the long-billed stork could not dine on the food. So the poor stork left hungry that night. The next day the stork, who wanted to teach the sneaky fox manners, invited the fox have dinner with him. So when the fox arrived to gulp some food down, the clever stork told him they were having meat in a tall skinny jar. The stork could gobble this down easily because of his narrow bill, but the fox could only lick the brim. This time the fox left with an empty stomach. The fox admitted he had treated the stork poorly and he was sorry.
Moral: Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.


Paladin said...

I would really like it if someone would post comment.

Lenny said...

There is a lot of moral truth in this story. One thing that has always impressed me about fables, is the way they so succintly put moral truths into a form that everyone, regardless of age can read and understand.

Keep up the good work Paladin! I look forward to more of your writings.