Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Peter Stelzyk and Gunter Wetzel

In 1979, Peter Stelzyk and Gunter Wetzel made one of the most amazing escapes ever known to man. They lived in communist East Germany where the 12 foot high concrete Berlin Wall stood. It had barbed wire at the top of the wall and was almost impossible to escape! So their wives sewed some sheets and curtains together while Peter and Gunter made the basket, a flame thrower, and a gas burner. They were extremely afraid that their neighbors would turn them in. Then eight people climbed into the balloon and flew over the wall at night. And that's how those desperate people got over that terrible wall.


Charli Mills said...

Ahh, so that's who Gunter Wetzel was....

Alice Osborne & Jeanne Wolfley said...

There is a great movie about this very experience, "Night Crossing." Very good movie. Thanks for sharing this information! Palace